Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Photo Phun

I looked into the photo sharing sites recommended on our class page.

Flickr is great because it has a lot of searching options and you can find some really interesting images. I did some searches and started a Favorites list. You can post a slideshow of photos to a blog. Let's see how it goes!

Preliminarily it looks like you can do the same thing on Photobucket and Bubbleshare but I found the search options and quality of images better on Flickr (but admittedly haven't looked into the others as much).

**Just in case you were wondering, I have all the cell phone pictures because when I start talking about evolution in Biology, we talk about the evolution of the cell phone. It's fun and accessible. I even show a clip from Saved by the Bell with the really big cell phone.**

I think I'm having way too much fun with this!

**Edit: Also, when you add new photos to your favorites, they get added to your blog automatically**


  1. You will be happy to know that after checking out your favorite pics, I am now inspired to what Flickr is all about too!

  2. I love Saved By The Bell!! I still watch it most everyday over the summer.
