Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Check it out (if you haven't already)

I know several people have mentioned the Free Technology for Teachers blog. If you are not following their blog, I would recommend it!! What's nice is not only do they introduce some cool technology BUT below each entry is a little section on "Application for Educators" and "Related Resources". The site is a quick way to learn about a new tool, find possible applications, and explore other resources.

The reason I mention it is that today's entry is about enabling Google Earth Flight Simulator. Also, it is mentioned that they are creating a list of built-in layers that can easily be used in the classroom (something to look out for in the future!).

Alright, that was my plug - back to teaching summer school!!


  1. You beat me to it ... I was just about to post the video on Google Earth Flight Simulator on my blog. Very fun.

  2. You beat me , too...I was going to post a plug for this blog. I spent all evening exploring various posts. It contains a wealth of information.
