Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week 5 PLN

Between 2 classes, summer school teaching, and plain old life - I feel like I've abandoned my PLN this week. However, as I discovered today, they have not abandoned me. I wasn't able to peruse Twitter as much I would have liked. I have to say that despite my extreme skepticism, I think Twitter will prove to be a useful enough resource to maintain as this class is over. I won't ever be the kind of person that posts regularly or interacts with many people on a routine basis (just not my nature) but it's been such an easy, quick way to find some very useful information. Once school starts up again, I think I will pair down some of the people I'm following in order to maintain a manageable core group of people that have helpful, interesting things to share.

In my non-Internet world the other thing that kept me annoyingly busy this week was a complete overhaul of my classroom. Due to floors being refinished, walls being painted, and repairs being made, I turned my room upside down. In this process I stumbled upon some books and resources provided to me by a former teacher at my school (that sadly I hadn't ever really looked at). One was about book about teaching Biology to student with learning disabilities (PERFECT!) If you're interested, you can get a copy online if you ask for an enrollment key. This of course led me to other resources online which led to other resources, and on and on and on! So my biggest PLN contributor was a teacher I no longer work with who left me some really great materials that I'm just now discovering. Now I'm really glad I cleaned out my room!


  1. Isn't that the way it goes? I had to move from one classroom to another this week, which involved sorting through my own stuff as well as material stored in my new room, and then repaint the new room. I recycled a lot of garbage, but I did find some material which I will be able to use right away.

  2. I am using this experience to gather all the possible tools I can (twitter, blogs, simulations, etc..). At the end of the course in August, I will keep what I like and get rid of what I don't like. On my twitter list, I will only keep the people that I am getting good stuff from, I will only keep reading the blogs that are of interest, etc. I think that is the point of what we are studying here. We won't like everything and that is okay. Use what works best for you.
