Monday, August 3, 2009

All Good Things...

...must come to an end. With the end of our class approaching I'm left with the daunting task of incorporating some of the things that I have learned. Below are my technology incorporation project plans. I've been trying to really get A LOT of the leg work completed because I know once school starts, I will have less time to "tinker". Luckily, I now know definitely what classes I'm teaching next year (3 Algebra 1, 2 Biology --- Yay!!) so I'm better able do some real integration plans. So without further ado, here are my ideas.

1) The Catalyst - A class wiki for my Biology classes that will serve as a collaborative hub for the class. I created the wiki using Wikispaces. I've been pretty happy with their features (particularly quickly providing a complimentary educational upgrade that removed the ads from the wiki) and have found the editing features easy to use. One of my big issues with wiki's in general is the boring layout. Therefore, to spice it up a little, I used Glogster Education(another tool brought up in this course) to create a poster for my home page.

2) CA Teacher Resources - Another wiki created as a collaborative space for the teachers at my school. I think one of the most powerful outcomes of this course (second only to my personal development in technology integration) is passing many of the tools and tricks I've learned on to my fellow staff members. The wiki includes a lot of the information that we've discovered during the class. Teachers can explore this as well as add their own information. Hopefully throughout the year, teachers will add links that they come across.

3) Ms. Theobald's BioBlog - I decided to also create a blog for my Biology class. It will serve as a place for class discussion about articles, class topics, etc. My students have a lot to say but sometimes have trouble expressing themselves. I've used discussion boards before but I think this will open up so much more to them. There's link to my the blog on the wiki so they can easily get to it. I decided to go with Edublogs because of their focus on educational blogs and their numerous features for monitoring and moderation. Your account also allows you to set up student accounts that you can monitor as well as change student permissions. Later in the year (after the students have become familiar with the blog), I plan to alternate making them "contributors" to the blog which means they can go in and write a blog post but can't publish it. I can then edit it if necessary and publish it. I'm excited to give the students ownership of the blog as an assignment and think that will just further their interest in blogging.

4) Screencasts - I had never thought of using screencasts for class before taking this course. As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm very interested about exploring their capabilities particularly because of my student population. Many of them have trouble when dealing with a task that has many steps and therefore may struggle even trying to use some of these technologies. I think screencasts would be a great way to introduce these tools (How to navigate the class wiki, how to comment on a blog, etc.) and then they can reference them when they are having trouble. Also, as I said before using them to present to students who are absent or to serve as a review for tests could be a very useful tool. I will definitely be using the screencast I created for class to allow the students to review concepts outside of class.

5) A little more - I plan to actually pare down the number of simulations I use (I think I use them too often without really examining their value and effectiveness) and bring in more inquiry based activities. I plan to use the CIESE: Human Genetics Project and a few projects on the WISE site. I also plan on using Glogster and Voicethread as alternative ways for students to express themselves and as alternative ways to assess understanding.

Please take a look around at my plans and let me know what you think. Thoughts? Modifications?


  1. Nice ideas, if you can follow through on all of them and the time involved, you will have applied a great deal from this class.

  2. Yeah! I know that's always my downfall. However, most of the things going on the class wiki are things I post on our school hub (Edline) throughout the year anyway. I just like using the wiki better because I think it's easier to navigate. Instead of doing discussions on our Edline discussion board, I'll be doing them on the blog. So hopefully, it won't actually be that much more work that what I've done before. It will just be presenting in a different (and more intriguing) platform. Only time will tell though!!

  3. Hi Katie,

    I like your bioblog, it looks really good. I will try to revisit once the year begins to see how it looks. Good luck with it!


  4. Wow Katie, everything looks great. You certainly invested a lot of time into your projects and applied many things from this class. I'm sure your students will appreciate all your work and learn a great deal as a result of it.

  5. I love your Teacher Resources wiki. I have been thinking of setting up a wiki for my colleagues as well, and I may use yours as a model. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I think it is a great idea to create screencasts to introduce your students to Wiki navigation. Also, nice work on the CA Teacher Resources page. Thanks for taking the time to create and share these pages with us! -Quinn

  7. Your wiki is amazing! I added to my wikis so I could peek in on it to see how it develops- hope you don't mind.

  8. I agree with you about simulations- using only those which are truly effective & more in-depth. This class has truly made me re-think the use of technology for 'technology's sake'. I LOVE the way you started your bioblog and can see how you can slowly immerse the students into content and critical thinking.
    Also- your GLOG homepage is simple, direct and so cute! Great job & wonderful idea about the instructional screencasts. Some of those have been the most helpful to me during this class.
    Thank you for so many great ideas!

  9. Awesome wiki Katie! Love the name and the Glogster display... you're so creative.
    My only suggestion with using both a blog and a wiki is to make sure that students understand the functionality of each from the beginning so they don't become overwhelmed by your classroom's different web locations.
