Friday, August 7, 2009

Guiding Priciples Revisted

Below are my original guiding principles with comments, additions, and changes made!
  • Address my 5 E's: Engage, Enhance, Excite, Explore, Express - this is really a guiding principle for my teaching (I have it up in my room) so it has to also guide my use of technology. I think the second and fourth (Enhance and Explore) and integral when incorporating technology. The technology has to be able to enhance the lesson and reach the students in a different way. Also, this class has reinforced the idea that the students need to explore on their own as much as possible. If technology can supplement labs (particularly to address time and equipment constraints) then it's definitely worth incorporating.
  • Use "new things in new ways" when appropriate and applicable - still true
  • Make the technology fit my lessons instead of making the my lessons fit the technology - I think this is the most important for me to remember. When I'm looking into new technologies no matter how cool it is - does it fit my objectives or am I trying to force it in because I want it to work?
  • Address the needs of my particular students (with mild to moderate learning disabilities) particularly their various learning modalities - I need to always keep my student population in mind and take into account their accommodations and assess whether what I'm asking them to do is going to add to their learning or detract because other interferences are preventing them from utilizing the technology.
  • Allow my students to become more independent thinkers - Always!
  • Ensure that the content is still the focus and that the students are not getting bogged down in the mechanics of the applications - I also found that simplification is key. Incorporating technologies but making them accessible and user friendly will be key to mine and their success. If I'm having trouble with something or think it's too complicated, chances are at least some of them will have the same trouble - then how do I help them?? I need to think about my least technology proficient students - will they be able to use this effectively?
  • Technology integration needs to be supported and understood by administration and other teachers. Without this my projects will get derailed faster than they got started. Luckily I have the technical support and equipment and I think as long as I can demonstrate how these integrations will benefit our students, others will buy in (and want to incorporate new things as well)
I think these princinples will continue to morph and change slightly but I think they provide a good foundation for my foray into utilizing more technology in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Great insight! I especially agree with the simpler the better; this is true for all us.

    I work with SPED students with a variety of learning issues and have found that simple steps are best. I got caught up in the all details, got lost, and spent most of my time finding my way back - looking for bread crumbs along the way! So, I intend on revisiting the programs and apps and simplifying the processes before intoducing the materials to my students.

    Great learning together and hope to see you online next semester.
